January 31

The Top Traits of Successful Candidates: How to Screen and Select Future Superstars


By Mike Roberts
January 31, 2022

Do you feel like you’re constantly struggling to find the best talent? Are you hiring people who don’t quite meet your expectations? It’s time to change the way you screen and select candidates. In order to find superstars, you need to understand what traits successful candidates have. In this issue, we will discuss the top traits of successful candidates and how to screen and select future superstars!

I have to admit I am a softy and I want to hire just about everyone that applies. But, I know that everyone won’t be successful in an immersive coding program. Being clear about what it takes to succeed and looking for the indicators that someone will thrive can be challenging. What I have found is that when we get creative, think first about being helpful to people applying for a role, and learn from our mistakes we can improve the chances of hiring the right apprentices.

To screen candidates effectively, you need to:

  • Understand the attributes that successful candidates have
  • Identify what skills are actually required for the job
  • Remove barriers so that everyone has a chance to be interviewed
  • Create challenges that will help you assess

How do we find hidden gems in our funnel?

I used to wonder how people find Geodes (those rocks with crystals inside). Geodes are usually spherical, but they always have a bumpy surface. Geodes will sometimes have loose material inside, which can be heard when shaking the rock. I thought, ah, you can shake them, and listen.

The way I approach screening in STARs (those Skilled Through Alternative Routes) is similar. I first look for very clear signals around their exposure to coding. Have they taken a course, or do they just think they like the idea of being in tech. We ask candidates to submit a cover letter, and believe it or not, some don’t. Our screening process is built around presenting challenges, but also removing barriers. We don’t want to eliminate anyone because they don’t have an extensive resume, but we also don’t interview candidates that don’t complete most of the application.

If you have a process that is constantly evolving, and if you can learn from your experiences, then you’ll be able to attract the best talent. It’s also important to remember that not everyone has the same skillset. You need to identify what attributes successful candidates have and what skills are actually required for the job. This way, you can find the right person for the job, and avoid making costly mistakes.

The Top Traits of Successful Candidates in the Creating Coding Careers Apprenticeship: They must be able to learn quickly, have a passion for technology and coding, and be able to work independently. In addition, it is also important that they have some basic coding knowledge.

Since the onset of COVID, we have switched to recorded video interviews using a mobile app. Candidates can complete the interview at a time convenient to them and we can interview a large number of candidates because they are queued for review. Our interview questions focus on behavioral-based questions. Questions I often ask during interviews are open-ended like:

How would you handle a scenario where you were given too much work for a given period of time?

We’re looking to get the candidate talking and see whether they can communicate clearly. This question exposes if they understand that I am really asking about prioritization, not their work ethic, how they respond to stress, etc. The questions we ask in the first round are engineered around revealing traits we know lead to success in software engineering.

We also look at how candidates behave when they don’t know the answer to a question. This happens more often than you think in interviews. Are they willing to ask for help? Do they take control of the conversation and try to figure it out on their own, or do they get flustered? We want people who are able to take control of a situation, figure out what they need to do, and then execute.

At the end of the day, we’re looking for people who can be successful in as software engineers. We want people who are going to communicate well, be curious, and be able to work together productively. Clear transparent communication is one of the most important things we look for in candidates. What are you looking for as a signal for success? Leave us a comment.

About the author 

Mike Roberts

Mike Roberts is the creator of Apprenticeship Playbook and a sought after speaker on the subjects of workforce development and apprenticeship models.

He is a software engineer by trade with over three decades of experience programming. He is the founder and CEO of Creating Coding Careers a 501c3, which helps people break into tech. Mike helps companies build high-performance engineering teams out of often-overlooked talent.

Mike has helped launch more than 100 student careers, with grads working at IBM/RedHat, Apple, WalmartLabs, Sony, AWS, Facebook, Deloitte, Trust&Will, BD, NewRocket, ServiceNow and many more amazing tech companies.

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